Select The Best Plan For Your Needs
Designed for personal use to meet essentials requirements
Upload, send & sign
1GB data2
Up to 3 signees per document
1 template
1 month log retention
Unlimited signing request
Tailored for professionals & SMEs to fulfil day-to-day signing operation
(Paid annually - auto renews)1
Everything in standard plan
100GB data2
Up to 100 signees
Unlimited custom teplates
Unlimited log retention
Unlimited signing request
Audit trail
24/7 support
1. Save up 50% if you pay annually for professional or business plan.
2. Data refers to the total data Storage and data traffic volume within an account. Files stored in the account consume data storage, while sending or downloading files consumed as data traffic. Data traffic usage is periodically refreshed on a monthly basis.
3. Aggregated data refers to the centralized data from multiple active users that include documents, audit logs, and metadata generated on the platform. Storage limits apply based on your selected plan. Additional storage can be purchased if needed as your team grows.